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Resource ConceptMap/FHIR Server from package who.fhir.anc-cds#current (313 ms)

Package who.fhir.anc-cds
Type ConceptMap
Id Id
FHIR Version R4
Source http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/https://build.fhir.org/ig/dhes/smart-anc/ConceptMap-LOINC.html
Url http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/ConceptMap/LOINC
Version 0.3.0
Status draft
Date 2025-01-18T00:11:01+00:00
Experimental False
Realm uv
Authority who
Description Concept mapping from content extended codes to LOINC

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http://loinc.org LOINC Code System
anc-custom-codes Extended Codes CodeSystem
http://loinc.org LOINC codes used in this IG


Note: links and images are rebased to the (stated) source

Generated Narrative: ConceptMap LOINC

Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)

Group 1 Mapping from Extended Codes CodeSystem to Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC)

Source CodeRelationshipTarget Code
ANC.B4.DE1 (Pregnancy confirmed)is equivalent to82810-3 (Pregnancy Status)
ANC.B5.DE2 (First antenatal care contact)is equivalent to76423-3 (Date of first visit)
ANC.B5.DE3 (Scheduled antenatal care contact)is equivalent to52454-6 (Reason for assessment??Note: There are multiple codes in LOINC with same name ?57200-8 Reason for assessment [CMS Assessment] ?46502-1 Reason for assessment [OASIS])
ANC.B5.DE4 (Specific complaint related to antenatal care)is equivalent to52454-6 (Reason for assessment??Note: There are multiple codes in LOINC with same name ?57200-8 Reason for assessment [CMS Assessment] ?46502-1 Reason for assessment [OASIS])
ANC.B5.DE6 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))is equivalent to70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options)
ANC.B5.DE7 (Change in blood pressure - up (hypertension))is equivalent to45643-4 (Hypertension [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE8 (Change in blood pressure - down (hypotension))is equivalent to45644-2 (Hypotension [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE9 (Constipation)is equivalent to28235-0 (Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation)
ANC.B5.DE10 (Contractions)is equivalent to56866-7 (Onset of painful contractions)
ANC.B5.DE11 (Cough)is equivalent to64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B5.DE12 (Diarrhoea)is equivalent to45622-8 (Diarrhea [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE13 (Dizziness)is equivalent to45699-6 (Dizziness or vertigo [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE17 (Fever)is equivalent to45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE18 (Flu symptoms)is related to45685-5 (Respiratory infection [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE20 (Headache)is equivalent to45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE21 (Heartburn)is related to70387-6 (I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B5.DE22 (Injury)is related to52587-3 (Trauma-related wound #)
ANC.B5.DE23 (Jaundice)is equivalent to70420-5 (I am bothered by jaundice or yellow color to my skin in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B5.DE24 (Leg cramps)is equivalent to70628-3 (I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B5.DE25 (Leg redness)is related to66530-7 (Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX])
ANC.B5.DE26 (Mental health - Anxiety)is equivalent to45665-7 (Anxiety disorder [Minimum Data Set]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC re anxiety)
ANC.B5.DE27 (Mental health - Depression)is equivalent to45666-5 (Depression [Minimum Data Set]??Note: There are multiple items re depression in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE28 (Mental health - Other psychological symptoms)is equivalent to91391-3 (Mental health diagnosis)
ANC.B5.DE29 (Nausea)is equivalent to42848-2 (Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options for nausea in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE30 (Oedema)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE31 (Pain - Abdominal)is equivalent to28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])
ANC.B5.DE32 (Pain - During urination (dysuria))is related to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE33 (Pain - Leg)is related to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE34 (Pain - Low back)is equivalent to45712-7 (Back pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE35 (Pain - Pelvic)is related to70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B5.DE36 (Pain - Extreme pelvic pain/cannot walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction))is equivalent to70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Not entirely appropriate, but best fit)
ANC.B5.DE37 (Pain - Other)is equivalent to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE38 (Pruritus)is related to64275-1 (Have you ever had an itchy rash which was coming and going for at least 6 months [PhenX])
ANC.B5.DE39 (Shortness of breath)is equivalent to45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE40 (Tiredness)is equivalent to70304-1 (I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE41 (Vaginal bleeding)is equivalent to70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B5.DE42 (Visual disturbance)is equivalent to65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])
ANC.B5.DE43 (Vomiting)is equivalent to45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options for vomiting in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE44 (Other bleeding)is related to45703-6 (Internal bleeding [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE45 (Other skin disorder)is equivalent to45790-3 (Other skin problems – none of above [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE46 (Other types of violence)is related to67691-6 (Being a victim of crime – violence – assault [PhenX])
ANC.B5.DE50 (Bleeding vaginally)is related to70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B5.DE52 (Convulsing)is related to45662-4 (Seizure disorder [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE53 (Fever)is equivalent to45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE54 (Imminent delivery)is related to42840-9 (Delivery risk [CCC])
ANC.B5.DE55 (Labour)is related to73774-2 (Onset of labor [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth])
ANC.B5.DE56 (Looks very ill)is related to70410-6 (I feel ill in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B5.DE57 (Severe headache)is equivalent to45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE58 (Severe pain)is equivalent to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B5.DE59 (Severe vomiting)is equivalent to45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options for vomiting in LOINC)
ANC.B5.DE60 (Severe abdominal pain)is equivalent to28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])
ANC.B5.DE62 (Visual disturbance)is equivalent to65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])
ANC.B6.DE3 (No education)is equivalent to82589-3 (Highest level of education)
ANC.B6.DE4 (Primary school)is equivalent to82589-3 (Highest level of education)
ANC.B6.DE5 (Secondary school)is equivalent to82589-3 (Highest level of education)
ANC.B6.DE6 (Higher education)is equivalent to82589-3 (Highest level of education)
ANC.B6.DE9 (Unemployed)is equivalent to93673-2 (Are you unemployed or without regular income [WellRx])
ANC.B6.DE10 (Formal employment)is equivalent to67875-5 (Employment status - current)
ANC.B6.DE12 (Informal employment (other))is equivalent to67875-5 (Employment status - current)
ANC.B6.DE14 (Last menstrual period (LMP) date)is equivalent to8665-2 (Last menstrual period start date)
ANC.B6.DE15 (Ultrasound done)is equivalent to30705-8 (US Uterus and Fallopian tubes)
ANC.B6.DE17 (Gestational age)is equivalent to18185-9 (Gestational age)
ANC.B6.DE19 (Last menstrual period (LMP))is equivalent to11885-1 (Gestational age Estimated from last menstrual period)
ANC.B6.DE20 (Ultrasound)is equivalent to11927-1 (Gestational age estimated from Gestational sac diameter on US)
ANC.B6.DE21 (Symphysis fundal height (SFH) or abdominal palpation)is equivalent to90367-4 (Gestational age Estimated from physical exam)
ANC.B6.DE24 (Number of pregnancies (gravida))is equivalent to11996-6 ([#] Pregnancies)
ANC.B6.DE31 (Number of stillbirths)is equivalent to69043-8 (Other pregnancy outcomes #)
ANC.B6.DE32 (Parity)is equivalent to64708-1 (Including live births, stillbirths, miscarriages, abortions, and tubal and other ectopic pregnancies, how many times have you been pregnant [PhenX])
ANC.B6.DE33 (Number of caesarian sections)is equivalent to68497-7 (Previous cesarean deliveries #)
ANC.B6.DE39 (Alcohol use)is equivalent to74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE47 (Substance use)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE48 (Tobacco use)is equivalent to64234-8 (Current smoker)
ANC.B6.DE49 (Vacuum delivery)is equivalent to72149-8 (Delivery method [RHEA])
ANC.B6.DE37 (Pre-eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.B6.DE38 (Eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.B6.DE41 (Convulsions)is equivalent to45662-4 (Seizure disorder [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE42 (Forceps)is equivalent to72149-8 (Delivery method [RHEA])
ANC.B6.DE43 (Gestational diabetes mellitus)is equivalent to45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE44 (Heavy bleeding (during or after delivery))is equivalent to81225-5 (Bleeding risk [CCC])
ANC.B6.DE46 (Perineal tear (3rd or 4th degree))is equivalent to72145-6 (Perineal tear classification [RHEA])
ANC.B6.DE53 (Cocaine)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE54 (Injectable drugs)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE55 (Marijuana)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE59 (Albendazole)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE60 (Aluminium hydroxide)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE61 (Calcium)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE62 (Chamomile)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE63 (Folic acid)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE64 (Ginger)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE65 (Iron)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE66 (Magnesium carbonate)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE67 (Malaria medication (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine))is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE68 (Mebendazole)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE69 (Penicillin)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE70 (PrEP tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF))is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B6.DE87 (Blood disorder (e.g. sickle cell, anaemia, thalassemia))is equivalent to11448-8 (Physical findings of Hematologic and Lymphatic and Immunologic System)
ANC.B6.DE88 (Cancer - gynaecological)is equivalent to8700-7 (Physical findings of Genitourinary tract)
ANC.B6.DE94 (Epilepsy)is equivalent to45424-9 (Epilepsy [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE95 (HIV positive)is equivalent to45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE86 (Autoimmune disease)is equivalent to67439-0 (Autoimmune diseases [PhenX])
ANC.B6.DE90 (Diabetes arising in pregnancy (gestational diabetes))is equivalent to45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE91 (Diabetes, other or unspecified)is equivalent to45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE92 (Diabetes, pre-existing type 1)is equivalent to45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE93 (Diabetes, pre-existing type 2)is equivalent to45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE96 (Hypertension)is equivalent to45643-4 (Hypertension [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE97 (Kidney disease)is equivalent to45678-0 (Renal failure [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B6.DE101 (Fully immunized)is equivalent to30952-6 (Date and time of vaccination)
ANC.B6.DE102 (Under-immunized)is equivalent to30952-6 (Date and time of vaccination)
ANC.B6.DE106 (Fully immunized)is equivalent to58131-4 (Date of influenza vaccination)
ANC.B6.DE148 (Alcohol)is equivalent to74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE149 (Cocaine)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE150 (Injectable drugs)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE151 (Marijuana)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B6.DE153 (Tobacco use)is equivalent to64234-8 (Current smoker)
ANC.B6.DE154 (Recently quit tobacco products)is equivalent to11367-0 (History of Tobacco use)
ANC.B6.DE155 (Exposure to second-hand smoke)is equivalent to62526-9 (PhenX - environmental exposures - current environmental tobacco smoke exposure protocol 060701)
ANC.B6.DE157 (HIV positive)is equivalent to55277-8 (HIV status)
ANC.B6.DE158 (HIV negative)is equivalent to72182-9 (Tested for HIV Significant other [RHEA])
ANC.B6.DE160 (Contraceptive use of male condoms)is equivalent to64733-9 (On how many of these occasions did you or your partner use a condom in the past 12 months [PhenX])
ANC.B6.DE161 (Contraceptive use of female condoms)is equivalent to64733-9 (On how many of these occasions did you or your partner use a condom in the past 12 months [PhenX])
ANC.B7.DE3 (Has side-effects from calcium supplements)is equivalent to64465-8 (I have unpleasant side-effects from my medication [PhenX]??Note: Trial code ?Note: Best fit)
ANC.B7.DE5 (Has side-effects from iron and folic acid supplements)is equivalent to64465-8 (I have unpleasant side-effects from my medication [PhenX]??Note: Trial code ?Note: Best fit)
ANC.B7.DE11 (Tobacco use)is equivalent to64234-8 (Current smoker)
ANC.B7.DE12 (Recently quit tobacco products)is equivalent to11367-0 (History of tobacco use)
ANC.B7.DE13 (Exposure to second-hand smoke)is equivalent to62526-9 (PhenX – environmental exposures – current environmental tobacco smoke exposure protocol 060701??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B7.DE14 (No condom use during sex)is equivalent to86650-9 (Reason for no birth control use – Reported – at intake??Notes: Best fit)
ANC.B7.DE15 (Alcohol use)is equivalent to74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])
ANC.B7.DE16 (Substance use)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B7.DE20 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))is equivalent to70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE21 (Breathing difficulty)is equivalent to45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE22 (Breathlessness during routine activities)is equivalent to45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE23 (Constipation)is equivalent to28235-0 (Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation)
ANC.B7.DE24 (Contractions)is equivalent to56866-7 (Onset of painful contractions)
ANC.B7.DE25 (Cough lasting more than 3 weeks)is equivalent to64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B7.DE26 (Fever)is equivalent to45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE27 (Gets tired easily)is equivalent to70304-1 (I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE28 (Headache)is equivalent to45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE29 (Heartburn)is related to70387-6 (I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE30 (Leg cramps)is equivalent to70628-3 (I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE31 (Leg redness)is related to66530-7 (Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX])
ANC.B7.DE32 (Nausea)is equivalent to42848-2 (Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options for nausea in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE42 (Vomiting)is equivalent to45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE33 (Oedema)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE34 (Pain - during urination (dysuria))is related to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE35 (Pain - Leg)is related to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE36 (Pain - Low back)is equivalent to45712-7 (Back pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE37 (Pain - Pelvic)is related to70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE38 (Pain - Extreme pelvic pain, cannot walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction))is related to70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE39 (Vaginal bleeding)is equivalent to70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE41 (Visual disturbance)is equivalent to65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])
ANC.B7.DE45 (Abnormal pulse rate)is related to8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)
ANC.B7.DE46 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))is equivalent to70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE47 (Breathing difficulty)is equivalent to45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE48 (Breathless during routine activities)is equivalent to45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE49 (Constipation)is equivalent to28235-0 (Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation)
ANC.B7.DE50 (Contractions)is equivalent to56866-7 (Onset of painful contractions)
ANC.B7.DE51 (Cough lasting more than 3 weeks)is equivalent to64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B7.DE52 (Fever)is equivalent to45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE53 (Gets tired easily)is equivalent to70304-1 (I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE54 (Headache)is equivalent to45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE55 (Heartburn)is related to70387-6 (I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE56 (Leg cramps)is equivalent to70628-3 (I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE57 (Leg redness)is related to66530-7 (Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX])
ANC.B7.DE58 (Nausea)is equivalent to42848-2 (Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE69 (Vomiting)is equivalent to45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE59 (Oedema)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B7.DE60 (Pain - during urination (dysuria))is related to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE61 (Pain - Leg)is related to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE62 (Pain - Low back)is equivalent to45712-7 (Back pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE63 (Pain - Pelvic)is related to70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE64 (Pain - Extreme pelvic pain/can't walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction))is related to70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE65 (Pain - Other)is equivalent to45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE66 (Vaginal bleeding)is equivalent to70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE68 (Visual disturbance)is equivalent to65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])
ANC.B7.DE73 (Ongoing stress)is equivalent to91633-8 (Have you been under or felt you were under any strain, stress, or pressure during the past month [NHANES])
ANC.B7.DE74 (Ongoing anxiety)is equivalent to45665-7 (Anxiety disorder [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE75 (Ongoing depression)is equivalent to45666-5 (Depression [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B7.DE76 (Unspecified ongoing emotional health issues)is equivalent to71217-4 (Emotional well-being and illness experience [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE77 (Misuse of alcohol)is equivalent to74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])
ANC.B7.DE78 (Misuse of drugs)is equivalent to74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])
ANC.B7.DE80 (Thoughts of self-harm or (attempted) suicide)is equivalent to42823-5 (Suicide risk [CCC])
ANC.B7.DE81 (Plans of self-harm or (attempt) suicide)is equivalent to42823-5 (Suicide risk [CCC])
ANC.B7.DE82 (Repeated sexually transmitted infections (STIs))is equivalent to28124-6 (Infection [CCC])
ANC.B7.DE84 (Unexplained chronic pain)is equivalent to28153-5 (Chronic pain [CCC])
ANC.B7.DE85 (Unexplained chronic gastrointestinal symptoms)is equivalent to28111-3 (Gastrointestinal alteration [CCC])
ANC.B7.DE86 (Unexplained genitourinary symptoms)is equivalent to8700-7 (Physical findings of genitourinary tract)
ANC.B7.DE87 (Adverse reproductive outcomes)is equivalent to42833-4 (Reproductive risk [CCC])
ANC.B7.DE88 (Unexplained reproductive symptoms)is equivalent to8700-7 (Physical findings of genitourinary tract)
ANC.B7.DE89 (Repeated vaginal bleeding)is equivalent to70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B7.DE90 (Injury to abdomen)is equivalent to28125-3 (Injury risk [CCC])
ANC.B7.DE92 (Problems with central nervous system)is equivalent to46023-8 (Neurological diseases or conditions set)
ANC.B7.DE96 (Children have emotional and behavioural problems)is equivalent to62924-6 (Emotional state – child protocol 180502 [PhenX ])
ANC.B7.DE97 (Woman discloses or is suspected to be subjected to intimate partner violence)is equivalent to95391-9 (Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months caregiver [SEEK])
ANC.B8.DE1 (Height)is equivalent to8302-2 (Body height??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)
ANC.B8.DE2 (Pre-gestational weight)is equivalent to56077-1 (Body weight pre current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE3 (Current weight)is equivalent to29463-7 (Body weight)
ANC.B8.DE4 (BMI)is equivalent to39156-5 (Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio])
ANC.B8.DE11 (5-9 kg)is equivalent to56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE12 (7-11.5 kg)is equivalent to56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE13 (11.5-16 kg)is equivalent to56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE14 (12.5-18 kg)is equivalent to56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE15 (Average weight gain per week)is equivalent to56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE16 (Total weight gain (kg))is equivalent to56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE17 (Systolic blood pressure)is equivalent to8480-6 (Systolic blood pressure)
ANC.B8.DE19 (Diastolic blood pressure)is equivalent to8462-4 (Diastolic blood pressure)
ANC.B8.DE20 (Repeat systolic blood pressure)is equivalent to8480-6 (Systolic blood pressure)
ANC.B8.DE21 (Repeat diastolic blood pressure)is equivalent to8462-4 (Diastolic blood pressure)
ANC.B8.DE29 (Severe headache)is equivalent to45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B8.DE30 (Visual disturbance)is equivalent to65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])
ANC.B8.DE31 (Epigastric pain)is related to28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])
ANC.B8.DE32 (Dizziness)is equivalent to45699-6 (Dizziness or vertigo [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B8.DE33 (Vomiting)is equivalent to45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B8.DE34 (Body temperature)is equivalent to8310-5 (Body temperature)
ANC.B8.DE35 (Second body temperature)is equivalent to8310-5 (Body temperature)
ANC.B8.DE36 (Pulse rate)is related to8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)
ANC.B8.DE37 (Second pulse rate)is related to8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)
ANC.B8.DE42 (Dyspnoea)is equivalent to82950-7 (Dyspnea [ALSFRS-R])
ANC.B8.DE43 (Cough)is equivalent to64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)
ANC.B8.DE44 (Rapid breathing)is related to28148-5 (Breathing pattern impairment [CCC])
ANC.B8.DE45 (Slow breathing)is related to28148-5 (Breathing pattern impairment [CCC])
ANC.B8.DE46 (Wheezing)is equivalent to28399-4 (Wheezing [HIV-SSC])
ANC.B8.DE54 (Weak pulse)is related to8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)
ANC.B8.DE55 (Tachycardia)is related to8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)
ANC.B8.DE56 (Bradycardia)is related to8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)
ANC.B8.DE57 (Arrhythmia)is related to8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)
ANC.B8.DE59 (Cold sweats)is equivalent to70378-5 (I have cold sweats in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B8.DE75 (Pain on superficial palpation)is equivalent to28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])
ANC.B8.DE76 (Pain on deep palpation)is equivalent to28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])
ANC.B8.DE77 (Painful decompression)is equivalent to28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])
ANC.B8.DE82 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))is equivalent to70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)
ANC.B8.DE94 (Oedema present)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B8.DE96 (Pitting ankle oedema)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B8.DE97 (Oedema of the hands and feet)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B8.DE98 (Pitting lower back oedema)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B8.DE99 (Leg swelling)is equivalent to45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)
ANC.B8.DE101 (+)is related to55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)
ANC.B8.DE102 (++)is related to55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)
ANC.B8.DE103 (+++)is related to55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)
ANC.B8.DE104 (++++)is related to55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)
ANC.B8.DE105 (Symphysis-fundal height (SFH))is related to11881-0 (Uterus fundal height tape measure)
ANC.B8.DE107 (Fetal heart rate)is equivalent to55283-6 (Fetal heart rate)
ANC.B8.DE108 (Second fetal heart rate)is equivalent to55283-6 (Fetal heart rate)
ANC.B8.DE113 (Cephalic fetal presentation)is related to72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])
ANC.B8.DE114 (Pelvic fetal presentation)is related to72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])
ANC.B8.DE115 (Transverse fetal presentation)is related to72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])
ANC.B8.DE116 (Other fetal presentation (specify))is related to72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])
ANC.B8.DE118 (Injury to abdomen)is equivalent to28125-3 (Injury risk [CCC])
ANC.B8.DE128 (Has the woman been subjected to intimate partner violence)is equivalent to95391-9 (Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months caregiver [SEEK])
ANC.B8.DE130 (Physical violence (e.g. slapping, kicking, burning))is equivalent to67691-6 (Being a victim of crime – violence – assault [PhenX])
ANC.B8.DE131 (Sexual violence)is equivalent to66905-1 (Has anyone, male or female, ever forced or coerced you to engage in unwanted sexual activity [LTVH])
ANC.B8.DE132 (Psychological/emotional abuse (e.g. being threatened or intimidated, controlling behaviors, such as taking away money))is equivalent to82814-5 (Emotional abuse – before 18 years old [ACE])
ANC.B9.DE3 (Ultrasound scan conducted)is equivalent to34970-4 (Ultrasound date)
ANC.B9.DE14 (Praevia)is related to11994-1 (Placenta position US)
ANC.B9.DE15 (Low)is related to11994-1 (Placenta position US)
ANC.B9.DE16 (Anterior)is related to11994-1 (Placenta position US)
ANC.B9.DE17 (Posterior)is related to11994-1 (Placenta position US)
ANC.B9.DE18 (Right side)is related to11994-1 (Placenta position US)
ANC.B9.DE19 (Left side)is related to11994-1 (Placenta position US)
ANC.B9.DE20 (Fundal)is related to11994-1 (Placenta position US)
ANC.B9.DE25 (A)is related to34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)
ANC.B9.DE26 (B)is related to34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)
ANC.B9.DE27 (AB)is related to34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)
ANC.B9.DE28 (O)is related to34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)
ANC.B9.DE30 (Rh positive)is related to34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)
ANC.B9.DE31 (Rh negative)is related to34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)
ANC.B9.DE42 (HIV positive)is equivalent to45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE43 (HIV negative)is equivalent to72152-2 (Tested for HIV [RHEA])
ANC.B9.DE46 (HIV positive)is equivalent to45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE47 (HIV negative)is equivalent to72152-2 (Tested for HIV [RHEA])
ANC.B9.DE50 (Partner HIV test conducted)is equivalent to72182-9 (Tested for HIV Significant other [RHEA])
ANC.B9.DE52 (Partner HIV positive)is equivalent to45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE53 (Partner HIV negative)is equivalent to72182-9 (Tested for HIV significant other [RHEA])
ANC.B9.DE56 (HIV positive)is equivalent to45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE57 (HIV negative)is equivalent to72182-9 (Tested for HIV significant other [RHEA])
ANC.B9.DE75 (Hepatitis B positive)is equivalent to55275-2 (Hepatitis B virus status)
ANC.B9.DE90 (Hepatitis C positive)is equivalent to55276-0 (Hepatitis C virus status)
ANC.B9.DE93 (Hepatitis C positive)is equivalent to55276-0 (Hepatitis C virus status)
ANC.B9.DE126 (Positive - any agent)is related to45689-7 (Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE127 (Positive - Group B Streptococcus (GBS))is equivalent to24020-0 (Streptococcus agalactiae Ag [Presence] in urine)
ANC.B9.DE130 (Positive)is related to45689-7 (Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE134 (+)is related to21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)
ANC.B9.DE135 (++)is related to21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)
ANC.B9.DE136 (+++)is related to21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)
ANC.B9.DE137 (++++)is related to21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)
ANC.B9.DE140 (+)is related to20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE141 (++)is related to20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE142 (+++)is related to20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE143 (++++)is related to20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE146 (+)is related to5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE147 (++)is related to5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE148 (+++)is related to5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE149 (++++)is related to5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE152 (+)is related to5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE153 (++)is related to5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE154 (+++)is related to5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE155 (++++)is related to5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)
ANC.B9.DE157 (ASB positive)is related to45689-7 (Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE170 (GDM positive)is related to45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE173 (DM positive)is related to45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE188 (Positive for anaemia)is equivalent to45676-4 (Anemia [Minimum Data Set])
ANC.B9.DE190 (Hematocrit (Ht))is related to20570-8 (Hematocrit [volume fraction] of blood)
ANC.B9.DE191 (White blood cell (WBC) count)is related to26464-8 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in blood)
ANC.B9.DE192 (Platelet count)is related to26515-7 (Platelets [#/volume] in blood)
ANC.B9.DE207 (Positive for TB)is equivalent to45241-7 (Tuberculosis status)
ANC.B10.DE3 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE7 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE11 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE15 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE19 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE23 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE27 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE31 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE35 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE39 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE43 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE47 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE51 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE55 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE59 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE63 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE67 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE71 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE73 (Hypertension)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.B10.DE74 (Severe hypertension)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.B10.DE75 (Pre-eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.B10.DE76 (Severe pre-eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.B10.DE97 (Side-effects)is related to70409-8 (I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B10.DE105 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE110 (Side-effects)is equivalent to70409-8 (I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Code: Best fit)
ANC.B10.DE111 (Allergy to medication)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B10.DE113 (Risk of pre-eclampsia)is equivalent to42838-3 (Pregnancy risk [CCC])
ANC.B10.DE118 (Side-effects)is related to70409-8 (I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT])
ANC.B10.DE119 (Allergy to medication)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B10.DE121 (Risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM))is equivalent to42838-3 (Pregnancy risk [CCC])
ANC.B10.DE138 (Facility)is equivalent to85712-8 (Expected delivery location)
ANC.B10.DE139 (Facility (elective caesarian section))is equivalent to85712-8 (Expected delivery location)
ANC.B10.DE141 (Other planned birth place (specify))is equivalent to85712-8 (Expected delivery location)
ANC.B10.DE140 (Home)is equivalent to85712-8 (Expected delivery location)
ANC.B10.DE193 (Allergy to vaccine)is equivalent to52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)
ANC.B10.DE212 (Safety assessment conducted)is related to82214-8 (Safety issue assessment note)
ANC.B10.DE213 (Mental health care)is related to82214-8 (Safety issue assessment note)
ANC.B10.DE214 (Care for other presenting signs and symptoms)is equivalent to57125-7 (Care provided #)
ANC.B10.DE215 (Client was referred)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE234 (Single-dose albendazole 400 mg)is related to34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)
ANC.B10.DE235 (Single-dose mebendazole 500 mg)is related to34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)
ANC.B10.DE238 (Client was referred)is related to39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE243 (Client was referred)is related to39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE245 (IPTp-SP dose 1 provided)is related to34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)
ANC.B10.DE247 (IPTp-SP dose 2 provided)is related to34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)
ANC.B10.DE249 (IPTp-SP dose 3 provided)is related to34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)
ANC.B10.DE252 (Client was referred)is related to39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE256 (Referred to hospital)is related to39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.B10.DE258 (Client refused)is related to39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])
ANC.C.DE3 (Referral for screening including diagnostics and lab testing)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type CPHS)
ANC.C.DE4 (Referral for other general services)is equivalent to39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type CPHS)
ANC.End.2 (Live birth)is equivalent to68499-3 (Date last live birth)
ANC.End.3 (Stillbirth)is equivalent to75207-1 (Stillbirth indicator [CDC.CS])
ANC.End.4 (Miscarriage)is related to64710-7 (Was your pregnancy a live birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy [PhenX])
ANC.End.5 (Abortion)is related to64710-7 (Was your pregnancy a live birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy [PhenX])
ANC.End.6 (Death)is related to81954-0 (Date of death [Date])
ANC.End.7 (Lost to follow-up)is related to45237-5 (Date lost to HIV treatment follow-up)
ANC.End.8 (Moved away)is related to67695-7 (Family moved [PhenX])
ANC.End.12 (Delivery date)is equivalent to93857-1 (Date and time of obstetric delivery)
ANC.End.14 (Health-care facility)is related to72150-6 (Delivery location)
ANC.End.15 (Home)is related to72150-6 (Delivery location)
ANC.End.16 (Other (specify))is related to72150-6 (Delivery location)
ANC.End.17 (Preterm Birth)is related to76517-2 (Premature infant)
ANC.End.19 (Normal)is related to57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)
ANC.End.20 (Forceps)is related to57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)
ANC.End.21 (Vacuum)is related to57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)
ANC.End.22 (C-section)is related to57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)
ANC.End.23 (Birth weight)is equivalent to8339-4 (Birth weight measured)
ANC.End.33 (Abnormal presentation)is related to73761-9 (Fetal presentation – at birth [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth])
ANC.End.34 (Pre-eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.End.35 (Eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.End.41 (Unknown)is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)
ANC.End.42 (Abortion-related complications)is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)
ANC.End.43 (Obstructed labour)is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)
ANC.End.44 (Pre-eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.End.45 (Eclampsia)is equivalent to58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)
ANC.End.46 (Postpartum haemorrhage)is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)
ANC.End.47 (Antepartum haemorrhage)is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)
ANC.End.48 (Placental abruption)is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)
ANC.End.49 (Infection)is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)
ANC.End.50 (Other (specify))is equivalent to79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)


  "resourceType" : "ConceptMap",
  "id" : "LOINC",
  "text" : {
    "status" : "generated",
    "div" : "<div xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\"><p class=\"res-header-id\"><b>Generated Narrative: ConceptMap LOINC</b></p><a name=\"LOINC\"> </a><a name=\"hcLOINC\"> </a><a name=\"LOINC-en-US\"> </a><p>Mapping from (not specified) to (not specified)</p><br/><p><b>Group 1 </b>Mapping from <a href=\"CodeSystem-anc-custom-codes.html\">Extended Codes CodeSystem</a> to <a href=\"http://terminology.hl7.org/6.1.0/CodeSystem-v3-loinc.html\">Logical Observation Identifiers, Names and Codes (LOINC)</a></p><table class=\"grid\"><tr><td><b>Source Code</b></td><td><b>Relationship</b></td><td><b>Target Code</b></td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B4.DE1 (Pregnancy confirmed)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>82810-3 (Pregnancy Status)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE2 (First antenatal care contact)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>76423-3 (Date of first visit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE3 (Scheduled antenatal care contact)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52454-6 (Reason for assessment??Note: There are multiple codes in LOINC with same name ?57200-8 Reason for assessment [CMS Assessment] ?46502-1 Reason for assessment [OASIS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE4 (Specific complaint related to antenatal care)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52454-6 (Reason for assessment??Note: There are multiple codes in LOINC with same name ?57200-8 Reason for assessment [CMS Assessment] ?46502-1 Reason for assessment [OASIS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE6 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE7 (Change in blood pressure - up (hypertension))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45643-4 (Hypertension [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE8 (Change in blood pressure - down (hypotension))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45644-2 (Hypotension [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE9 (Constipation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28235-0 (Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE10 (Contractions)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56866-7 (Onset of painful contractions)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE11 (Cough)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE12 (Diarrhoea)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45622-8 (Diarrhea [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE13 (Dizziness)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45699-6 (Dizziness or vertigo [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE17 (Fever)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE18 (Flu symptoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45685-5 (Respiratory infection [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE20 (Headache)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE21 (Heartburn)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70387-6 (I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE22 (Injury)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>52587-3 (Trauma-related wound #)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE23 (Jaundice)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70420-5 (I am bothered by jaundice or yellow color to my skin in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE24 (Leg cramps)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70628-3 (I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE25 (Leg redness)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>66530-7 (Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE26 (Mental health - Anxiety)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45665-7 (Anxiety disorder [Minimum Data Set]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC re anxiety)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE27 (Mental health - Depression)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45666-5 (Depression [Minimum Data Set]??Note: There are multiple items re depression in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE28 (Mental health - Other psychological symptoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>91391-3 (Mental health diagnosis)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE29 (Nausea)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42848-2 (Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options for nausea in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE30 (Oedema)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE31 (Pain - Abdominal)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE32 (Pain - During urination (dysuria))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE33 (Pain - Leg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE34 (Pain - Low back)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45712-7 (Back pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE35 (Pain - Pelvic)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE36 (Pain - Extreme pelvic pain/cannot walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Not entirely appropriate, but best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE37 (Pain - Other)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE38 (Pruritus)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>64275-1 (Have you ever had an itchy rash which was coming and going for at least 6 months [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE39 (Shortness of breath)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE40 (Tiredness)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70304-1 (I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE41 (Vaginal bleeding)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE42 (Visual disturbance)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE43 (Vomiting)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options for vomiting in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE44 (Other bleeding)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45703-6 (Internal bleeding [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE45 (Other skin disorder)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45790-3 (Other skin problems – none of above [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE46 (Other types of violence)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>67691-6 (Being a victim of crime – violence – assault [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE50 (Bleeding vaginally)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE52 (Convulsing)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45662-4 (Seizure disorder [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE53 (Fever)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE54 (Imminent delivery)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>42840-9 (Delivery risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE55 (Labour)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>73774-2 (Onset of labor [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE56 (Looks very ill)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70410-6 (I feel ill in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE57 (Severe headache)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE58 (Severe pain)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE59 (Severe vomiting)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options for vomiting in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE60 (Severe abdominal pain)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B5.DE62 (Visual disturbance)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE3 (No education)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>82589-3 (Highest level of education)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE4 (Primary school)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>82589-3 (Highest level of education)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE5 (Secondary school)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>82589-3 (Highest level of education)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE6 (Higher education)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>82589-3 (Highest level of education)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE9 (Unemployed)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>93673-2 (Are you unemployed or without regular income [WellRx])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE10 (Formal employment)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>67875-5 (Employment status - current)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE12 (Informal employment (other))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>67875-5 (Employment status - current)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE14 (Last menstrual period (LMP) date)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8665-2 (Last menstrual period start date)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE15 (Ultrasound done)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>30705-8 (US Uterus and Fallopian tubes)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE17 (Gestational age)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>18185-9 (Gestational age)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE19 (Last menstrual period (LMP))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>11885-1 (Gestational age Estimated from last menstrual period)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE20 (Ultrasound)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>11927-1 (Gestational age estimated from Gestational sac diameter on US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE21 (Symphysis fundal height (SFH) or abdominal palpation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>90367-4 (Gestational age Estimated from physical exam)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE24 (Number of pregnancies (gravida))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>11996-6 ([#] Pregnancies)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE31 (Number of stillbirths)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>69043-8 (Other pregnancy outcomes #)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE32 (Parity)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64708-1 (Including live births, stillbirths, miscarriages, abortions, and tubal and other ectopic pregnancies, how many times have you been pregnant [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE33 (Number of caesarian sections)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>68497-7 (Previous cesarean deliveries #)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE39 (Alcohol use)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE47 (Substance use)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE48 (Tobacco use)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64234-8 (Current smoker)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE49 (Vacuum delivery)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72149-8 (Delivery method [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE37 (Pre-eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE38 (Eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE41 (Convulsions)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45662-4 (Seizure disorder [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE42 (Forceps)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72149-8 (Delivery method [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE43 (Gestational diabetes mellitus)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE44 (Heavy bleeding (during or after delivery))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>81225-5 (Bleeding risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE46 (Perineal tear (3rd or 4th degree))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72145-6 (Perineal tear classification [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE53 (Cocaine)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE54 (Injectable drugs)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE55 (Marijuana)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE59 (Albendazole)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE60 (Aluminium hydroxide)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE61 (Calcium)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE62 (Chamomile)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE63 (Folic acid)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE64 (Ginger)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE65 (Iron)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE66 (Magnesium carbonate)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE67 (Malaria medication (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE68 (Mebendazole)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE69 (Penicillin)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE70 (PrEP tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE87 (Blood disorder (e.g. sickle cell, anaemia, thalassemia))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>11448-8 (Physical findings of Hematologic and Lymphatic and Immunologic System)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE88 (Cancer - gynaecological)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8700-7 (Physical findings of Genitourinary tract)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE94 (Epilepsy)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45424-9 (Epilepsy [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE95 (HIV positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE86 (Autoimmune disease)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>67439-0 (Autoimmune diseases [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE90 (Diabetes arising in pregnancy (gestational diabetes))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE91 (Diabetes, other or unspecified)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE92 (Diabetes, pre-existing type 1)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE93 (Diabetes, pre-existing type 2)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE96 (Hypertension)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45643-4 (Hypertension [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE97 (Kidney disease)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45678-0 (Renal failure [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE101 (Fully immunized)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>30952-6 (Date and time of vaccination)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE102 (Under-immunized)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>30952-6 (Date and time of vaccination)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE106 (Fully immunized)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58131-4 (Date of influenza vaccination)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE148 (Alcohol)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE149 (Cocaine)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE150 (Injectable drugs)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE151 (Marijuana)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE153 (Tobacco use)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64234-8 (Current smoker)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE154 (Recently quit tobacco products)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>11367-0 (History of Tobacco use)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE155 (Exposure to second-hand smoke)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>62526-9 (PhenX - environmental exposures - current environmental tobacco smoke exposure protocol 060701)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE157 (HIV positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>55277-8 (HIV status)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE158 (HIV negative)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72182-9 (Tested for HIV Significant other [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE160 (Contraceptive use of male condoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64733-9 (On how many of these occasions did you or your partner use a condom in the past 12 months [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B6.DE161 (Contraceptive use of female condoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64733-9 (On how many of these occasions did you or your partner use a condom in the past 12 months [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE3 (Has side-effects from calcium supplements)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64465-8 (I have unpleasant side-effects from my medication [PhenX]??Note: Trial code ?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE5 (Has side-effects from iron and folic acid supplements)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64465-8 (I have unpleasant side-effects from my medication [PhenX]??Note: Trial code ?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE11 (Tobacco use)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64234-8 (Current smoker)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE12 (Recently quit tobacco products)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>11367-0 (History of tobacco use)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE13 (Exposure to second-hand smoke)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>62526-9 (PhenX – environmental exposures – current environmental tobacco smoke exposure protocol 060701??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE14 (No condom use during sex)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>86650-9 (Reason for no birth control use – Reported – at intake??Notes: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE15 (Alcohol use)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE16 (Substance use)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE20 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE21 (Breathing difficulty)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE22 (Breathlessness during routine activities)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE23 (Constipation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28235-0 (Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE24 (Contractions)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56866-7 (Onset of painful contractions)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE25 (Cough lasting more than 3 weeks)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE26 (Fever)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE27 (Gets tired easily)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70304-1 (I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE28 (Headache)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE29 (Heartburn)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70387-6 (I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE30 (Leg cramps)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70628-3 (I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE31 (Leg redness)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>66530-7 (Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE32 (Nausea)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42848-2 (Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options for nausea in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE42 (Vomiting)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE33 (Oedema)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE34 (Pain - during urination (dysuria))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE35 (Pain - Leg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE36 (Pain - Low back)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45712-7 (Back pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE37 (Pain - Pelvic)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE38 (Pain - Extreme pelvic pain, cannot walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE39 (Vaginal bleeding)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE41 (Visual disturbance)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE45 (Abnormal pulse rate)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE46 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE47 (Breathing difficulty)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE48 (Breathless during routine activities)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45705-1 (Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE49 (Constipation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28235-0 (Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE50 (Contractions)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56866-7 (Onset of painful contractions)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE51 (Cough lasting more than 3 weeks)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE52 (Fever)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45701-0 (Fever [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE53 (Gets tired easily)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70304-1 (I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE54 (Headache)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE55 (Heartburn)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70387-6 (I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE56 (Leg cramps)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70628-3 (I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE57 (Leg redness)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>66530-7 (Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE58 (Nausea)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42848-2 (Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE69 (Vomiting)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE59 (Oedema)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE60 (Pain - during urination (dysuria))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE61 (Pain - Leg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE62 (Pain - Low back)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45712-7 (Back pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE63 (Pain - Pelvic)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE64 (Pain - Extreme pelvic pain/can't walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70842-0 (I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE65 (Pain - Other)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45721-8 (Other pain [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE66 (Vaginal bleeding)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE68 (Visual disturbance)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE73 (Ongoing stress)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>91633-8 (Have you been under or felt you were under any strain, stress, or pressure during the past month [NHANES])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE74 (Ongoing anxiety)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45665-7 (Anxiety disorder [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE75 (Ongoing depression)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45666-5 (Depression [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE76 (Unspecified ongoing emotional health issues)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>71217-4 (Emotional well-being and illness experience [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE77 (Misuse of alcohol)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74205-6 (Alcohol use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE78 (Misuse of drugs)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>74204-9 (Drug use [NTDS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE80 (Thoughts of self-harm or (attempted) suicide)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42823-5 (Suicide risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE81 (Plans of self-harm or (attempt) suicide)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42823-5 (Suicide risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE82 (Repeated sexually transmitted infections (STIs))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28124-6 (Infection [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE84 (Unexplained chronic pain)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28153-5 (Chronic pain [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE85 (Unexplained chronic gastrointestinal symptoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28111-3 (Gastrointestinal alteration [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE86 (Unexplained genitourinary symptoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8700-7 (Physical findings of genitourinary tract)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE87 (Adverse reproductive outcomes)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42833-4 (Reproductive risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE88 (Unexplained reproductive symptoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8700-7 (Physical findings of genitourinary tract)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE89 (Repeated vaginal bleeding)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70360-3 (I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE90 (Injury to abdomen)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28125-3 (Injury risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE92 (Problems with central nervous system)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>46023-8 (Neurological diseases or conditions set)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE96 (Children have emotional and behavioural problems)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>62924-6 (Emotional state – child protocol 180502 [PhenX ])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B7.DE97 (Woman discloses or is suspected to be subjected to intimate partner violence)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>95391-9 (Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months caregiver [SEEK])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE1 (Height)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8302-2 (Body height??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE2 (Pre-gestational weight)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56077-1 (Body weight pre current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE3 (Current weight)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>29463-7 (Body weight)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE4 (BMI)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39156-5 (Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE11 (5-9 kg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE12 (7-11.5 kg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE13 (11.5-16 kg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE14 (12.5-18 kg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE15 (Average weight gain per week)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE16 (Total weight gain (kg))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>56078-9 (Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE17 (Systolic blood pressure)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8480-6 (Systolic blood pressure)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE19 (Diastolic blood pressure)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8462-4 (Diastolic blood pressure)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE20 (Repeat systolic blood pressure)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8480-6 (Systolic blood pressure)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE21 (Repeat diastolic blood pressure)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8462-4 (Diastolic blood pressure)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE29 (Severe headache)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45715-0 (Headache [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE30 (Visual disturbance)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>65727-0 (Visual disturbance description [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE31 (Epigastric pain)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE32 (Dizziness)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45699-6 (Dizziness or vertigo [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE33 (Vomiting)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45708-5 (Vomiting [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE34 (Body temperature)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8310-5 (Body temperature)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE35 (Second body temperature)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8310-5 (Body temperature)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE36 (Pulse rate)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE37 (Second pulse rate)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE42 (Dyspnoea)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>82950-7 (Dyspnea [ALSFRS-R])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE43 (Cough)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>64439-3 (Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE44 (Rapid breathing)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>28148-5 (Breathing pattern impairment [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE45 (Slow breathing)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>28148-5 (Breathing pattern impairment [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE46 (Wheezing)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28399-4 (Wheezing [HIV-SSC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE54 (Weak pulse)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE55 (Tachycardia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE56 (Bradycardia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE57 (Arrhythmia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>8884-9 (Heart rate rhythm)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE59 (Cold sweats)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70378-5 (I have cold sweats in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE75 (Pain on superficial palpation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE76 (Pain on deep palpation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE77 (Painful decompression)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28538-7 (Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE82 (Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70380-1 (I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE94 (Oedema present)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE96 (Pitting ankle oedema)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE97 (Oedema of the hands and feet)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE98 (Pitting lower back oedema)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE99 (Leg swelling)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45700-2 (Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE101 (+)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE102 (++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE103 (+++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE104 (++++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>55407-1 (Pitting oedema severity of ankle)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE105 (Symphysis-fundal height (SFH))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11881-0 (Uterus fundal height tape measure)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE107 (Fetal heart rate)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>55283-6 (Fetal heart rate)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE108 (Second fetal heart rate)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>55283-6 (Fetal heart rate)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE113 (Cephalic fetal presentation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE114 (Pelvic fetal presentation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE115 (Transverse fetal presentation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE116 (Other fetal presentation (specify))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>72155-5 (Position in womb fetus [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE118 (Injury to abdomen)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>28125-3 (Injury risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE128 (Has the woman been subjected to intimate partner violence)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>95391-9 (Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months caregiver [SEEK])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE130 (Physical violence (e.g. slapping, kicking, burning))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>67691-6 (Being a victim of crime – violence – assault [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE131 (Sexual violence)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>66905-1 (Has anyone, male or female, ever forced or coerced you to engage in unwanted sexual activity [LTVH])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B8.DE132 (Psychological/emotional abuse (e.g. being threatened or intimidated, controlling behaviors, such as taking away money))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>82814-5 (Emotional abuse – before 18 years old [ACE])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE3 (Ultrasound scan conducted)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>34970-4 (Ultrasound date)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE14 (Praevia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11994-1 (Placenta position US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE15 (Low)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11994-1 (Placenta position US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE16 (Anterior)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11994-1 (Placenta position US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE17 (Posterior)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11994-1 (Placenta position US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE18 (Right side)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11994-1 (Placenta position US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE19 (Left side)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11994-1 (Placenta position US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE20 (Fundal)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>11994-1 (Placenta position US)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE25 (A)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE26 (B)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE27 (AB)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE28 (O)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE30 (Rh positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE31 (Rh negative)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34531-4 (Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE42 (HIV positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE43 (HIV negative)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72152-2 (Tested for HIV [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE46 (HIV positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE47 (HIV negative)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72152-2 (Tested for HIV [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE50 (Partner HIV test conducted)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72182-9 (Tested for HIV Significant other [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE52 (Partner HIV positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE53 (Partner HIV negative)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72182-9 (Tested for HIV significant other [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE56 (HIV positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45683-0 (HIV infection [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE57 (HIV negative)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>72182-9 (Tested for HIV significant other [RHEA])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE75 (Hepatitis B positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>55275-2 (Hepatitis B virus status)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE90 (Hepatitis C positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>55276-0 (Hepatitis C virus status)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE93 (Hepatitis C positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>55276-0 (Hepatitis C virus status)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE126 (Positive - any agent)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45689-7 (Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE127 (Positive - Group B Streptococcus (GBS))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>24020-0 (Streptococcus agalactiae Ag [Presence] in urine)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE130 (Positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45689-7 (Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE134 (+)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE135 (++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE136 (+++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE137 (++++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>21420-5 (Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE140 (+)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE141 (++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE142 (+++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE143 (++++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>20408-1 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE146 (+)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE147 (++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE148 (+++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE149 (++++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5804-0 (Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE152 (+)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE153 (++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE154 (+++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE155 (++++)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>5792-7 (Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE157 (ASB positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45689-7 (Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE170 (GDM positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE173 (DM positive)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45636-8 (Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE188 (Positive for anaemia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45676-4 (Anemia [Minimum Data Set])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE190 (Hematocrit (Ht))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>20570-8 (Hematocrit [volume fraction] of blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE191 (White blood cell (WBC) count)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>26464-8 (Leukocytes [#/volume] in blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE192 (Platelet count)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>26515-7 (Platelets [#/volume] in blood)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B9.DE207 (Positive for TB)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>45241-7 (Tuberculosis status)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE3 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE7 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE11 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE15 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE19 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE23 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE27 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE31 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE35 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE39 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE43 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE47 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE51 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE55 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE59 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE63 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE67 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE71 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE73 (Hypertension)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE74 (Severe hypertension)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE75 (Pre-eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE76 (Severe pre-eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE97 (Side-effects)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70409-8 (I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE105 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE110 (Side-effects)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>70409-8 (I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Code: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE111 (Allergy to medication)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE113 (Risk of pre-eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42838-3 (Pregnancy risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE118 (Side-effects)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>70409-8 (I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE119 (Allergy to medication)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE121 (Risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>42838-3 (Pregnancy risk [CCC])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE138 (Facility)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>85712-8 (Expected delivery location)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE139 (Facility (elective caesarian section))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>85712-8 (Expected delivery location)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE141 (Other planned birth place (specify))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>85712-8 (Expected delivery location)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE140 (Home)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>85712-8 (Expected delivery location)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE193 (Allergy to vaccine)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>52473-6 (Allergy or cause of reaction)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE212 (Safety assessment conducted)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>82214-8 (Safety issue assessment note)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE213 (Mental health care)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>82214-8 (Safety issue assessment note)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE214 (Care for other presenting signs and symptoms)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>57125-7 (Care provided #)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE215 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE234 (Single-dose albendazole 400 mg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE235 (Single-dose mebendazole 500 mg)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE238 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE243 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE245 (IPTp-SP dose 1 provided)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE247 (IPTp-SP dose 2 provided)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE249 (IPTp-SP dose 3 provided)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>34484-6 (Administered medication, time administration started)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE252 (Client was referred)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE256 (Referred to hospital)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.B10.DE258 (Client refused)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>39269-6 (39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.C.DE3 (Referral for screening including diagnostics and lab testing)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type CPHS)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.C.DE4 (Referral for other general services)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>39269-6 (Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type CPHS)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.2 (Live birth)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>68499-3 (Date last live birth)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.3 (Stillbirth)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>75207-1 (Stillbirth indicator [CDC.CS])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.4 (Miscarriage)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>64710-7 (Was your pregnancy a live birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.5 (Abortion)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>64710-7 (Was your pregnancy a live birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.6 (Death)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>81954-0 (Date of death [Date])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.7 (Lost to follow-up)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>45237-5 (Date lost to HIV treatment follow-up)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.8 (Moved away)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>67695-7 (Family moved [PhenX])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.12 (Delivery date)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>93857-1 (Date and time of obstetric delivery)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.14 (Health-care facility)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>72150-6 (Delivery location)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.15 (Home)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>72150-6 (Delivery location)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.16 (Other (specify))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>72150-6 (Delivery location)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.17 (Preterm Birth)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>76517-2 (Premature infant)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.19 (Normal)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.20 (Forceps)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.21 (Vacuum)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.22 (C-section)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>57071-3 (Obstetric delivery method)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.23 (Birth weight)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>8339-4 (Birth weight measured)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.33 (Abnormal presentation)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#relatedto\" title=\"relatedto\">is related to</a></td><td>73761-9 (Fetal presentation – at birth [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth])</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.34 (Pre-eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.35 (Eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.41 (Unknown)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.42 (Abortion-related complications)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.43 (Obstructed labour)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.44 (Pre-eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.45 (Eclampsia)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>58297-3 (Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.46 (Postpartum haemorrhage)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.47 (Antepartum haemorrhage)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.48 (Placental abruption)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.49 (Infection)</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr><tr><td>ANC.End.50 (Other (specify))</td><td><a href=\"http://hl7.org/fhir/extensions/5.1.0/CodeSystem-concept-map-equivalence.html#equivalent\" title=\"equivalent\">is equivalent to</a></td><td>79378-6 (Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit)</td></tr></table></div>"
  "url" : "http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/ConceptMap/LOINC",
  "version" : "0.3.0",
  "name" : "LOINC",
  "title" : "LOINC",
  "status" : "draft",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2025-01-18T00:11:01+00:00",
  "publisher" : "World Health Organization (WHO)",
  "contact" : [
      "telecom" : [
          "system" : "url",
          "value" : "https://www.who.int"
  "description" : "Concept mapping from content extended codes to LOINC",
  "jurisdiction" : [
      "coding" : [
          "system" : "http://unstats.un.org/unsd/methods/m49/m49.htm",
          "code" : "001"
  "group" : [
      "source" : "http://fhir.org/guides/who/anc-cds/CodeSystem/anc-custom-codes",
      "target" : "http://loinc.org",
      "element" : [
          "code" : "ANC.B4.DE1",
          "display" : "Pregnancy confirmed",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82810-3",
              "display" : "Pregnancy Status",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE2",
          "display" : "First antenatal care contact",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "76423-3",
              "display" : "Date of first visit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE3",
          "display" : "Scheduled antenatal care contact",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52454-6",
              "display" : "Reason for assessment??Note: There are multiple codes in LOINC with same name ?57200-8 Reason for assessment [CMS Assessment] ?46502-1 Reason for assessment [OASIS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE4",
          "display" : "Specific complaint related to antenatal care",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52454-6",
              "display" : "Reason for assessment??Note: There are multiple codes in LOINC with same name ?57200-8 Reason for assessment [CMS Assessment] ?46502-1 Reason for assessment [OASIS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE6",
          "display" : "Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70380-1",
              "display" : "I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE7",
          "display" : "Change in blood pressure - up (hypertension)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45643-4",
              "display" : "Hypertension [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE8",
          "display" : "Change in blood pressure - down (hypotension)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45644-2",
              "display" : "Hypotension [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE9",
          "display" : "Constipation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28235-0",
              "display" : "Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE10",
          "display" : "Contractions",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56866-7",
              "display" : "Onset of painful contractions",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE11",
          "display" : "Cough",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64439-3",
              "display" : "Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE12",
          "display" : "Diarrhoea",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45622-8",
              "display" : "Diarrhea [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE13",
          "display" : "Dizziness",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45699-6",
              "display" : "Dizziness or vertigo [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE17",
          "display" : "Fever",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45701-0",
              "display" : "Fever [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE18",
          "display" : "Flu symptoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45685-5",
              "display" : "Respiratory infection [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE20",
          "display" : "Headache",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45715-0",
              "display" : "Headache [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE21",
          "display" : "Heartburn",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70387-6",
              "display" : "I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE22",
          "display" : "Injury",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52587-3",
              "display" : "Trauma-related wound #",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE23",
          "display" : "Jaundice",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70420-5",
              "display" : "I am bothered by jaundice or yellow color to my skin in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE24",
          "display" : "Leg cramps",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70628-3",
              "display" : "I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE25",
          "display" : "Leg redness",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "66530-7",
              "display" : "Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE26",
          "display" : "Mental health - Anxiety",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45665-7",
              "display" : "Anxiety disorder [Minimum Data Set]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC re anxiety",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE27",
          "display" : "Mental health - Depression",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45666-5",
              "display" : "Depression [Minimum Data Set]??Note: There are multiple items re depression in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE28",
          "display" : "Mental health - Other psychological symptoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "91391-3",
              "display" : "Mental health diagnosis",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE29",
          "display" : "Nausea",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42848-2",
              "display" : "Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options for nausea in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE30",
          "display" : "Oedema",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE31",
          "display" : "Pain - Abdominal",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28538-7",
              "display" : "Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE32",
          "display" : "Pain - During urination (dysuria)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE33",
          "display" : "Pain - Leg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE34",
          "display" : "Pain - Low back",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45712-7",
              "display" : "Back pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE35",
          "display" : "Pain - Pelvic",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70842-0",
              "display" : "I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE36",
          "display" : "Pain - Extreme pelvic pain/cannot walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70842-0",
              "display" : "I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Not entirely appropriate, but best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE37",
          "display" : "Pain - Other",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE38",
          "display" : "Pruritus",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64275-1",
              "display" : "Have you ever had an itchy rash which was coming and going for at least 6 months [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE39",
          "display" : "Shortness of breath",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45705-1",
              "display" : "Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE40",
          "display" : "Tiredness",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70304-1",
              "display" : "I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE41",
          "display" : "Vaginal bleeding",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70360-3",
              "display" : "I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE42",
          "display" : "Visual disturbance",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "65727-0",
              "display" : "Visual disturbance description [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE43",
          "display" : "Vomiting",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45708-5",
              "display" : "Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options for vomiting in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE44",
          "display" : "Other bleeding",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45703-6",
              "display" : "Internal bleeding [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE45",
          "display" : "Other skin disorder",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45790-3",
              "display" : "Other skin problems – none of above [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE46",
          "display" : "Other types of violence",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "67691-6",
              "display" : "Being a victim of crime – violence – assault [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE50",
          "display" : "Bleeding vaginally",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70360-3",
              "display" : "I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE52",
          "display" : "Convulsing",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45662-4",
              "display" : "Seizure disorder [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE53",
          "display" : "Fever",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45701-0",
              "display" : "Fever [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE54",
          "display" : "Imminent delivery",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42840-9",
              "display" : "Delivery risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE55",
          "display" : "Labour",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "73774-2",
              "display" : "Onset of labor [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE56",
          "display" : "Looks very ill",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70410-6",
              "display" : "I feel ill in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE57",
          "display" : "Severe headache",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45715-0",
              "display" : "Headache [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE58",
          "display" : "Severe pain",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE59",
          "display" : "Severe vomiting",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45708-5",
              "display" : "Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options for vomiting in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE60",
          "display" : "Severe abdominal pain",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28538-7",
              "display" : "Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B5.DE62",
          "display" : "Visual disturbance",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "65727-0",
              "display" : "Visual disturbance description [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE3",
          "display" : "No education",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82589-3",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE4",
          "display" : "Primary school",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82589-3",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE5",
          "display" : "Secondary school",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82589-3",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE6",
          "display" : "Higher education",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82589-3",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE9",
          "display" : "Unemployed",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "93673-2",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE10",
          "display" : "Formal employment",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "67875-5",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE12",
          "display" : "Informal employment (other)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "67875-5",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE14",
          "display" : "Last menstrual period (LMP) date",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8665-2",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE15",
          "display" : "Ultrasound done",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "30705-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE17",
          "display" : "Gestational age",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "18185-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE19",
          "display" : "Last menstrual period (LMP)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11885-1",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE20",
          "display" : "Ultrasound",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11927-1",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE21",
          "display" : "Symphysis fundal height (SFH) or abdominal palpation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "90367-4",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE24",
          "display" : "Number of pregnancies (gravida)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11996-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE31",
          "display" : "Number of stillbirths",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "69043-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE32",
          "display" : "Parity",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64708-1",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE33",
          "display" : "Number of caesarian sections",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "68497-7",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE39",
          "display" : "Alcohol use",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74205-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE47",
          "display" : "Substance use",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE48",
          "display" : "Tobacco use",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64234-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE49",
          "display" : "Vacuum delivery",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72149-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE37",
          "display" : "Pre-eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE38",
          "display" : "Eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE41",
          "display" : "Convulsions",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45662-4",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE42",
          "display" : "Forceps",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72149-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE43",
          "display" : "Gestational diabetes mellitus",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45636-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE44",
          "display" : "Heavy bleeding (during or after delivery)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "81225-5",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE46",
          "display" : "Perineal tear (3rd or 4th degree)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72145-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE53",
          "display" : "Cocaine",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE54",
          "display" : "Injectable drugs",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE55",
          "display" : "Marijuana",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE59",
          "display" : "Albendazole",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE60",
          "display" : "Aluminium hydroxide",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE61",
          "display" : "Calcium",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE62",
          "display" : "Chamomile",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE63",
          "display" : "Folic acid",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE64",
          "display" : "Ginger",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE65",
          "display" : "Iron",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE66",
          "display" : "Magnesium carbonate",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE67",
          "display" : "Malaria medication (sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE68",
          "display" : "Mebendazole",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE69",
          "display" : "Penicillin",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE70",
          "display" : "PrEP tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE87",
          "display" : "Blood disorder (e.g. sickle cell, anaemia, thalassemia)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11448-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE88",
          "display" : "Cancer - gynaecological",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8700-7",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE94",
          "display" : "Epilepsy",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45424-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE95",
          "display" : "HIV positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45683-0",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE86",
          "display" : "Autoimmune disease",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "67439-0",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE90",
          "display" : "Diabetes arising in pregnancy (gestational diabetes)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45636-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE91",
          "display" : "Diabetes, other or unspecified",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45636-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE92",
          "display" : "Diabetes, pre-existing type 1",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45636-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE93",
          "display" : "Diabetes, pre-existing type 2",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45636-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE96",
          "display" : "Hypertension",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45643-4",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE97",
          "display" : "Kidney disease",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45678-0",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE101",
          "display" : "Fully immunized",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "30952-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE102",
          "display" : "Under-immunized",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "30952-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE106",
          "display" : "Fully immunized",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58131-4",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE148",
          "display" : "Alcohol",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74205-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE149",
          "display" : "Cocaine",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE150",
          "display" : "Injectable drugs",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE151",
          "display" : "Marijuana",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE153",
          "display" : "Tobacco use",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64234-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE154",
          "display" : "Recently quit tobacco products",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11367-0",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE155",
          "display" : "Exposure to second-hand smoke",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "62526-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE157",
          "display" : "HIV positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55277-8",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE158",
          "display" : "HIV negative",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72182-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE160",
          "display" : "Contraceptive use of male condoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64733-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B6.DE161",
          "display" : "Contraceptive use of female condoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64733-9",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE3",
          "display" : "Has side-effects from calcium supplements",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64465-8",
              "display" : "I have unpleasant side-effects from my medication [PhenX]??Note: Trial code ?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE5",
          "display" : "Has side-effects from iron and folic acid supplements",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64465-8",
              "display" : "I have unpleasant side-effects from my medication [PhenX]??Note: Trial code ?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE11",
          "display" : "Tobacco use",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64234-8",
              "display" : "Current smoker",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE12",
          "display" : "Recently quit tobacco products",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11367-0",
              "display" : "History of tobacco use",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE13",
          "display" : "Exposure to second-hand smoke",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "62526-9",
              "display" : "PhenX – environmental exposures – current environmental tobacco smoke exposure protocol 060701??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE14",
          "display" : "No condom use during sex",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "86650-9",
              "display" : "Reason for no birth control use – Reported – at intake??Notes: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE15",
          "display" : "Alcohol use",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74205-6",
              "display" : "Alcohol use [NTDS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE16",
          "display" : "Substance use",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "display" : "Drug use [NTDS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE20",
          "display" : "Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70380-1",
              "display" : "I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE21",
          "display" : "Breathing difficulty",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45705-1",
              "display" : "Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE22",
          "display" : "Breathlessness during routine activities",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45705-1",
              "display" : "Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE23",
          "display" : "Constipation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28235-0",
              "display" : "Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE24",
          "display" : "Contractions",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56866-7",
              "display" : "Onset of painful contractions",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE25",
          "display" : "Cough lasting more than 3 weeks",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64439-3",
              "display" : "Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE26",
          "display" : "Fever",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45701-0",
              "display" : "Fever [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE27",
          "display" : "Gets tired easily",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70304-1",
              "display" : "I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE28",
          "display" : "Headache",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45715-0",
              "display" : "Headache [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE29",
          "display" : "Heartburn",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70387-6",
              "display" : "I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE30",
          "display" : "Leg cramps",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70628-3",
              "display" : "I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE31",
          "display" : "Leg redness",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "66530-7",
              "display" : "Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE32",
          "display" : "Nausea",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42848-2",
              "display" : "Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options for nausea in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE42",
          "display" : "Vomiting",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45708-5",
              "display" : "Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE33",
          "display" : "Oedema",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE34",
          "display" : "Pain - during urination (dysuria)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE35",
          "display" : "Pain - Leg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE36",
          "display" : "Pain - Low back",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45712-7",
              "display" : "Back pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE37",
          "display" : "Pain - Pelvic",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70842-0",
              "display" : "I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE38",
          "display" : "Pain - Extreme pelvic pain, cannot walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70842-0",
              "display" : "I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE39",
          "display" : "Vaginal bleeding",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70360-3",
              "display" : "I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE41",
          "display" : "Visual disturbance",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "65727-0",
              "display" : "Visual disturbance description [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE45",
          "display" : "Abnormal pulse rate",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8884-9",
              "display" : "Heart rate rhythm",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE46",
          "display" : "Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70380-1",
              "display" : "I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE47",
          "display" : "Breathing difficulty",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45705-1",
              "display" : "Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE48",
          "display" : "Breathless during routine activities",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45705-1",
              "display" : "Shortness of breath [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE49",
          "display" : "Constipation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28235-0",
              "display" : "Constipation [CCC]??Note: There are multiple items in LOINC with regard to constipation",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE50",
          "display" : "Contractions",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56866-7",
              "display" : "Onset of painful contractions",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE51",
          "display" : "Cough lasting more than 3 weeks",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64439-3",
              "display" : "Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE52",
          "display" : "Fever",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45701-0",
              "display" : "Fever [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE53",
          "display" : "Gets tired easily",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70304-1",
              "display" : "I feel tired in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE54",
          "display" : "Headache",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45715-0",
              "display" : "Headache [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE55",
          "display" : "Heartburn",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70387-6",
              "display" : "I am bothered by reflux or heartburn in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE56",
          "display" : "Leg cramps",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70628-3",
              "display" : "I have joint pain or muscle cramps in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE57",
          "display" : "Leg redness",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "66530-7",
              "display" : "Redness score Lower extremity – bilateral [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE58",
          "display" : "Nausea",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42848-2",
              "display" : "Nausea [CCC]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE69",
          "display" : "Vomiting",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45708-5",
              "display" : "Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE59",
          "display" : "Oedema",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE60",
          "display" : "Pain - during urination (dysuria)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE61",
          "display" : "Pain - Leg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE62",
          "display" : "Pain - Low back",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45712-7",
              "display" : "Back pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE63",
          "display" : "Pain - Pelvic",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70842-0",
              "display" : "I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE64",
          "display" : "Pain - Extreme pelvic pain/can't walk (symphysis pubis dysfunction)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70842-0",
              "display" : "I have pain in my pelvic area in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE65",
          "display" : "Pain - Other",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45721-8",
              "display" : "Other pain [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE66",
          "display" : "Vaginal bleeding",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70360-3",
              "display" : "I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE68",
          "display" : "Visual disturbance",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "65727-0",
              "display" : "Visual disturbance description [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE73",
          "display" : "Ongoing stress",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "91633-8",
              "display" : "Have you been under or felt you were under any strain, stress, or pressure during the past month [NHANES]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE74",
          "display" : "Ongoing anxiety",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45665-7",
              "display" : "Anxiety disorder [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE75",
          "display" : "Ongoing depression",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45666-5",
              "display" : "Depression [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE76",
          "display" : "Unspecified ongoing emotional health issues",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "71217-4",
              "display" : "Emotional well-being and illness experience [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE77",
          "display" : "Misuse of alcohol",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74205-6",
              "display" : "Alcohol use [NTDS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE78",
          "display" : "Misuse of drugs",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "74204-9",
              "display" : "Drug use [NTDS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE80",
          "display" : "Thoughts of self-harm or (attempted) suicide",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42823-5",
              "display" : "Suicide risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE81",
          "display" : "Plans of self-harm or (attempt) suicide",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42823-5",
              "display" : "Suicide risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE82",
          "display" : "Repeated sexually transmitted infections (STIs)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28124-6",
              "display" : "Infection [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE84",
          "display" : "Unexplained chronic pain",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28153-5",
              "display" : "Chronic pain [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE85",
          "display" : "Unexplained chronic gastrointestinal symptoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28111-3",
              "display" : "Gastrointestinal alteration [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE86",
          "display" : "Unexplained genitourinary symptoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8700-7",
              "display" : "Physical findings of genitourinary tract",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE87",
          "display" : "Adverse reproductive outcomes",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42833-4",
              "display" : "Reproductive risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE88",
          "display" : "Unexplained reproductive symptoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8700-7",
              "display" : "Physical findings of genitourinary tract",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE89",
          "display" : "Repeated vaginal bleeding",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70360-3",
              "display" : "I am bothered by discharge or bleeding from my vagina in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE90",
          "display" : "Injury to abdomen",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28125-3",
              "display" : "Injury risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE92",
          "display" : "Problems with central nervous system",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "46023-8",
              "display" : "Neurological diseases or conditions set",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE96",
          "display" : "Children have emotional and behavioural problems",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "62924-6",
              "display" : "Emotional state – child protocol 180502 [PhenX ]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B7.DE97",
          "display" : "Woman discloses or is suspected to be subjected to intimate partner violence",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "95391-9",
              "display" : "Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months caregiver [SEEK]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE1",
          "display" : "Height",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8302-2",
              "display" : "Body height??Note: Multiple options on LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE2",
          "display" : "Pre-gestational weight",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56077-1",
              "display" : "Body weight pre current pregnancy??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE3",
          "display" : "Current weight",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "29463-7",
              "display" : "Body weight",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE4",
          "display" : "BMI",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39156-5",
              "display" : "Body mass index (BMI) [Ratio]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE11",
          "display" : "5-9 kg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56078-9",
              "display" : "Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE12",
          "display" : "7-11.5 kg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56078-9",
              "display" : "Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE13",
          "display" : "11.5-16 kg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56078-9",
              "display" : "Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE14",
          "display" : "12.5-18 kg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56078-9",
              "display" : "Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE15",
          "display" : "Average weight gain per week",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56078-9",
              "display" : "Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE16",
          "display" : "Total weight gain (kg)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "56078-9",
              "display" : "Weight gain [Mass] – during current pregnancy??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE17",
          "display" : "Systolic blood pressure",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8480-6",
              "display" : "Systolic blood pressure",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE19",
          "display" : "Diastolic blood pressure",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8462-4",
              "display" : "Diastolic blood pressure",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE20",
          "display" : "Repeat systolic blood pressure",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8480-6",
              "display" : "Systolic blood pressure",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE21",
          "display" : "Repeat diastolic blood pressure",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8462-4",
              "display" : "Diastolic blood pressure",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE29",
          "display" : "Severe headache",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45715-0",
              "display" : "Headache [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE30",
          "display" : "Visual disturbance",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "65727-0",
              "display" : "Visual disturbance description [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE31",
          "display" : "Epigastric pain",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28538-7",
              "display" : "Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE32",
          "display" : "Dizziness",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45699-6",
              "display" : "Dizziness or vertigo [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE33",
          "display" : "Vomiting",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45708-5",
              "display" : "Vomiting [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE34",
          "display" : "Body temperature",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8310-5",
              "display" : "Body temperature",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE35",
          "display" : "Second body temperature",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8310-5",
              "display" : "Body temperature",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE36",
          "display" : "Pulse rate",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8884-9",
              "display" : "Heart rate rhythm",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE37",
          "display" : "Second pulse rate",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8884-9",
              "display" : "Heart rate rhythm",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE42",
          "display" : "Dyspnoea",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82950-7",
              "display" : "Dyspnea [ALSFRS-R]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE43",
          "display" : "Cough",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64439-3",
              "display" : "Over the past 3 months, I have coughed [PhenX]??Note: Trial code",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE44",
          "display" : "Rapid breathing",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28148-5",
              "display" : "Breathing pattern impairment [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE45",
          "display" : "Slow breathing",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28148-5",
              "display" : "Breathing pattern impairment [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE46",
          "display" : "Wheezing",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28399-4",
              "display" : "Wheezing [HIV-SSC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE54",
          "display" : "Weak pulse",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8884-9",
              "display" : "Heart rate rhythm",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE55",
          "display" : "Tachycardia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8884-9",
              "display" : "Heart rate rhythm",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE56",
          "display" : "Bradycardia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8884-9",
              "display" : "Heart rate rhythm",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE57",
          "display" : "Arrhythmia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8884-9",
              "display" : "Heart rate rhythm",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE59",
          "display" : "Cold sweats",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70378-5",
              "display" : "I have cold sweats in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE75",
          "display" : "Pain on superficial palpation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28538-7",
              "display" : "Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE76",
          "display" : "Pain on deep palpation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28538-7",
              "display" : "Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE77",
          "display" : "Painful decompression",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28538-7",
              "display" : "Abdominal pain [HIV-SSC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE82",
          "display" : "Abnormal vaginal discharge (physiological) (foul smelling) (curd like)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70380-1",
              "display" : "I have vaginal discharge in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Note: Multiple options on LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE94",
          "display" : "Oedema present",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE96",
          "display" : "Pitting ankle oedema",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE97",
          "display" : "Oedema of the hands and feet",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE98",
          "display" : "Pitting lower back oedema",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE99",
          "display" : "Leg swelling",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45700-2",
              "display" : "Oedema [Minimum Data Set]??Note: Multiple options in LOINC",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE101",
          "display" : "+",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55407-1",
              "display" : "Pitting oedema severity of ankle",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE102",
          "display" : "++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55407-1",
              "display" : "Pitting oedema severity of ankle",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE103",
          "display" : "+++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55407-1",
              "display" : "Pitting oedema severity of ankle",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE104",
          "display" : "++++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55407-1",
              "display" : "Pitting oedema severity of ankle",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE105",
          "display" : "Symphysis-fundal height (SFH)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11881-0",
              "display" : "Uterus fundal height tape measure",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE107",
          "display" : "Fetal heart rate",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55283-6",
              "display" : "Fetal heart rate",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE108",
          "display" : "Second fetal heart rate",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55283-6",
              "display" : "Fetal heart rate",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE113",
          "display" : "Cephalic fetal presentation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72155-5",
              "display" : "Position in womb fetus [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE114",
          "display" : "Pelvic fetal presentation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72155-5",
              "display" : "Position in womb fetus [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE115",
          "display" : "Transverse fetal presentation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72155-5",
              "display" : "Position in womb fetus [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE116",
          "display" : "Other fetal presentation (specify)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72155-5",
              "display" : "Position in womb fetus [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE118",
          "display" : "Injury to abdomen",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "28125-3",
              "display" : "Injury risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE128",
          "display" : "Has the woman been subjected to intimate partner violence",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "95391-9",
              "display" : "Has a partner threatened, shoved, hit or kicked you or hurt you physically in any way in the past 3 months caregiver [SEEK]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE130",
          "display" : "Physical violence (e.g. slapping, kicking, burning)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "67691-6",
              "display" : "Being a victim of crime – violence – assault [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE131",
          "display" : "Sexual violence",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "66905-1",
              "display" : "Has anyone, male or female, ever forced or coerced you to engage in unwanted sexual activity [LTVH]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B8.DE132",
          "display" : "Psychological/emotional abuse (e.g. being threatened or intimidated, controlling behaviors, such as taking away money)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82814-5",
              "display" : "Emotional abuse – before 18 years old [ACE]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE3",
          "display" : "Ultrasound scan conducted",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34970-4",
              "display" : "Ultrasound date",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE14",
          "display" : "Praevia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11994-1",
              "display" : "Placenta position US",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE15",
          "display" : "Low",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11994-1",
              "display" : "Placenta position US",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE16",
          "display" : "Anterior",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11994-1",
              "display" : "Placenta position US",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE17",
          "display" : "Posterior",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11994-1",
              "display" : "Placenta position US",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE18",
          "display" : "Right side",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11994-1",
              "display" : "Placenta position US",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE19",
          "display" : "Left side",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11994-1",
              "display" : "Placenta position US",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE20",
          "display" : "Fundal",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "11994-1",
              "display" : "Placenta position US",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE25",
          "display" : "A",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34531-4",
              "display" : "Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE26",
          "display" : "B",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34531-4",
              "display" : "Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE27",
          "display" : "AB",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34531-4",
              "display" : "Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE28",
          "display" : "O",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34531-4",
              "display" : "Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE30",
          "display" : "Rh positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34531-4",
              "display" : "Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE31",
          "display" : "Rh negative",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34531-4",
              "display" : "Blood type and crossmatch panel – blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE42",
          "display" : "HIV positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45683-0",
              "display" : "HIV infection [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE43",
          "display" : "HIV negative",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72152-2",
              "display" : "Tested for HIV [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE46",
          "display" : "HIV positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45683-0",
              "display" : "HIV infection [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE47",
          "display" : "HIV negative",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72152-2",
              "display" : "Tested for HIV [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE50",
          "display" : "Partner HIV test conducted",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72182-9",
              "display" : "Tested for HIV Significant other [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE52",
          "display" : "Partner HIV positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45683-0",
              "display" : "HIV infection [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE53",
          "display" : "Partner HIV negative",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72182-9",
              "display" : "Tested for HIV significant other [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE56",
          "display" : "HIV positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45683-0",
              "display" : "HIV infection [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE57",
          "display" : "HIV negative",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72182-9",
              "display" : "Tested for HIV significant other [RHEA]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE75",
          "display" : "Hepatitis B positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55275-2",
              "display" : "Hepatitis B virus status",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE90",
          "display" : "Hepatitis C positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55276-0",
              "display" : "Hepatitis C virus status",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE93",
          "display" : "Hepatitis C positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "55276-0",
              "display" : "Hepatitis C virus status",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE126",
          "display" : "Positive - any agent",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45689-7",
              "display" : "Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE127",
          "display" : "Positive - Group B Streptococcus (GBS)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "24020-0",
              "display" : "Streptococcus agalactiae Ag [Presence] in urine",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE130",
          "display" : "Positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45689-7",
              "display" : "Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE134",
          "display" : "+",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "21420-5",
              "display" : "Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE135",
          "display" : "++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "21420-5",
              "display" : "Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE136",
          "display" : "+++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "21420-5",
              "display" : "Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE137",
          "display" : "++++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "21420-5",
              "display" : "Nitrate [mass/volume] in urine",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE140",
          "display" : "+",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "20408-1",
              "display" : "Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE141",
          "display" : "++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "20408-1",
              "display" : "Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE142",
          "display" : "+++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "20408-1",
              "display" : "Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE143",
          "display" : "++++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "20408-1",
              "display" : "Leukocytes [#/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE146",
          "display" : "+",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5804-0",
              "display" : "Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE147",
          "display" : "++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5804-0",
              "display" : "Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE148",
          "display" : "+++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5804-0",
              "display" : "Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE149",
          "display" : "++++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5804-0",
              "display" : "Protein [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE152",
          "display" : "+",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5792-7",
              "display" : "Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE153",
          "display" : "++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5792-7",
              "display" : "Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE154",
          "display" : "+++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5792-7",
              "display" : "Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE155",
          "display" : "++++",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "5792-7",
              "display" : "Glucose [mass/volume] in urine by test strip",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE157",
          "display" : "ASB positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45689-7",
              "display" : "Urinary tract infection in last 30 days [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE170",
          "display" : "GDM positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45636-8",
              "display" : "Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE173",
          "display" : "DM positive",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45636-8",
              "display" : "Diabetes mellitus [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE188",
          "display" : "Positive for anaemia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45676-4",
              "display" : "Anemia [Minimum Data Set]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE190",
          "display" : "Hematocrit (Ht)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "20570-8",
              "display" : "Hematocrit [volume fraction] of blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE191",
          "display" : "White blood cell (WBC) count",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "26464-8",
              "display" : "Leukocytes [#/volume] in blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE192",
          "display" : "Platelet count",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "26515-7",
              "display" : "Platelets [#/volume] in blood",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B9.DE207",
          "display" : "Positive for TB",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45241-7",
              "display" : "Tuberculosis status",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE3",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE7",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE11",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE15",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE19",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE23",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE27",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE31",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE35",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE39",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE43",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE47",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE51",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE55",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE59",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE63",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE67",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE71",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE73",
          "display" : "Hypertension",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE74",
          "display" : "Severe hypertension",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE75",
          "display" : "Pre-eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE76",
          "display" : "Severe pre-eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE97",
          "display" : "Side-effects",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70409-8",
              "display" : "I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE105",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider /specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE110",
          "display" : "Side-effects",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70409-8",
              "display" : "I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT]??Code: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE111",
          "display" : "Allergy to medication",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "display" : "Allergy or cause of reaction",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE113",
          "display" : "Risk of pre-eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42838-3",
              "display" : "Pregnancy risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE118",
          "display" : "Side-effects",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "70409-8",
              "display" : "I am bothered by side effects of treatment in the past 7 days [FACIT]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE119",
          "display" : "Allergy to medication",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "display" : "Allergy or cause of reaction",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE121",
          "display" : "Risk of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "42838-3",
              "display" : "Pregnancy risk [CCC]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE138",
          "display" : "Facility",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "85712-8",
              "display" : "Expected delivery location",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE139",
          "display" : "Facility (elective caesarian section)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "85712-8",
              "display" : "Expected delivery location",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE141",
          "display" : "Other planned birth place (specify)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "85712-8",
              "display" : "Expected delivery location",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE140",
          "display" : "Home",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "85712-8",
              "display" : "Expected delivery location",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE193",
          "display" : "Allergy to vaccine",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "52473-6",
              "display" : "Allergy or cause of reaction",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE212",
          "display" : "Safety assessment conducted",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82214-8",
              "display" : "Safety issue assessment note",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE213",
          "display" : "Mental health care",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "82214-8",
              "display" : "Safety issue assessment note",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE214",
          "display" : "Care for other presenting signs and symptoms",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "57125-7",
              "display" : "Care provided #",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE215",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE234",
          "display" : "Single-dose albendazole 400 mg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34484-6",
              "display" : "Administered medication, time administration started",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE235",
          "display" : "Single-dose mebendazole 500 mg",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34484-6",
              "display" : "Administered medication, time administration started",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE238",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE243",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE245",
          "display" : "IPTp-SP dose 1 provided",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34484-6",
              "display" : "Administered medication, time administration started",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE247",
          "display" : "IPTp-SP dose 2 provided",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34484-6",
              "display" : "Administered medication, time administration started",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE249",
          "display" : "IPTp-SP dose 3 provided",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "34484-6",
              "display" : "Administered medication, time administration started",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE252",
          "display" : "Client was referred",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE256",
          "display" : "Referred to hospital",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.B10.DE258",
          "display" : "Client refused",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "display" : "39269-6 Follow-up (referred to) provider/specialist, provider type [CPHS]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.C.DE3",
          "display" : "Referral for screening including diagnostics and lab testing",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.C.DE4",
          "display" : "Referral for other general services",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "39269-6",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.2",
          "display" : "Live birth",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "68499-3",
              "display" : "Date last live birth",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.3",
          "display" : "Stillbirth",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "75207-1",
              "display" : "Stillbirth indicator [CDC.CS]",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.4",
          "display" : "Miscarriage",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64710-7",
              "display" : "Was your pregnancy a live birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.5",
          "display" : "Abortion",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "64710-7",
              "display" : "Was your pregnancy a live birth, stillbirth, miscarriage, abortion, or ectopic pregnancy [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.6",
          "display" : "Death",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "81954-0",
              "display" : "Date of death [Date]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.7",
          "display" : "Lost to follow-up",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "45237-5",
              "display" : "Date lost to HIV treatment follow-up",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.8",
          "display" : "Moved away",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "67695-7",
              "display" : "Family moved [PhenX]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.12",
          "display" : "Delivery date",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "93857-1",
              "display" : "Date and time of obstetric delivery",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.14",
          "display" : "Health-care facility",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72150-6",
              "display" : "Delivery location",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.15",
          "display" : "Home",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72150-6",
              "display" : "Delivery location",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.16",
          "display" : "Other (specify)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "72150-6",
              "display" : "Delivery location",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.17",
          "display" : "Preterm Birth",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "76517-2",
              "display" : "Premature infant",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.19",
          "display" : "Normal",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "57071-3",
              "display" : "Obstetric delivery method",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.20",
          "display" : "Forceps",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "57071-3",
              "display" : "Obstetric delivery method",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.21",
          "display" : "Vacuum",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "57071-3",
              "display" : "Obstetric delivery method",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.22",
          "display" : "C-section",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "57071-3",
              "display" : "Obstetric delivery method",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.23",
          "display" : "Birth weight",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "8339-4",
              "display" : "Birth weight measured",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.33",
          "display" : "Abnormal presentation",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "73761-9",
              "display" : "Fetal presentation – at birth [US Standard Certificate of Live Birth]",
              "equivalence" : "relatedto"
          "code" : "ANC.End.34",
          "display" : "Pre-eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.35",
          "display" : "Eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.41",
          "display" : "Unknown",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.42",
          "display" : "Abortion-related complications",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.43",
          "display" : "Obstructed labour",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.44",
          "display" : "Pre-eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.45",
          "display" : "Eclampsia",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "58297-3",
              "display" : "Diagnosis of high blood pressure during pregnancy only",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.46",
          "display" : "Postpartum haemorrhage",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.47",
          "display" : "Antepartum haemorrhage",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.48",
          "display" : "Placental abruption",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.49",
          "display" : "Infection",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"
          "code" : "ANC.End.50",
          "display" : "Other (specify)",
          "target" : [
              "code" : "79378-6",
              "display" : "Cause of death??Note: Multiple options?Note: Best fit",
              "equivalence" : "equivalent"

XIG built as of ??metadata-date??. Found ??metadata-resources?? resources in ??metadata-packages?? packages.